AssuredPartners NL, along with the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, celebrated the grand opening of their new Lexington office with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at their new location on Sir Barton in Hamburg. Bryan Raisor, Managing Director of AssuredPartners NL Lexington was the featured speaker.
Blaze Pizza is expected to open a Hamburg location on Sir Barton this Spring.
Eastland Lanes, a Lexington landmark since 1966, will be closing the doors of its New Circle Road location for the final time on June 1. Danny Collins, president of Collins Bowling Centers, released a statement which cites increased operating and maintenance costs as the reason behind the closure. Southland Lanes, Lexington’s final bowling alley and another Collins Bowling Centers venue, will remain open.
Lexington’s Junior League invites local agencies to submit Community Grant applications. The Junior League seeks to fund projects that will be completed in 2018, have a high-impact on the bluegrass, and provide volunteer opportunities for League members. Info, email grants@lexjrleague.com for an electronic copy of the application. The deadline to apply is June 1.
A new Bennigans will soon be opening in a Lexington hotel which recently became part of the Clarion Hotel chain. The new Clarion Hotel, which is located at 5532 Athens Boonesboro Road near the Interstate 75 104 exit, is offering golf packages to mark the changes. The opening date of Bennigans will be announced soon.
Saturday, April 1
The 5th Annual Alltech Innovation Competition celebrates student entrepreneurship in Kentucky. Nine teams will each present their ONE big idea to change the world. 8 am to 2 pm, BCTC Newtown Pike Campus.
Saturday, April 15

Bill Goodman, executive director of the Kentucky Humanities Council and former Kentucky Educational Television personality, will be the speaker for the Men’s Breakfast (now co-ed) at Liberty Road Faith Fellowship at 9:30 a.m. on April 15 in Kearns Hall at the church, 2734 Liberty Road. Call 859-277-0420 for reservations.
Tuesday, May 16
The annual Women’s Business & Leadership Conference is a statewide event held in Lexington in May of each year that brings together women and men who are interested in Kentucky’s demographics and market, the winners of the Martha Layne Collins Leadership Award and national/international speakers for a special one-day event. This year’s event will be held Tuesday, May 16, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Marriott Griffin Gate in Lexington.
Exhibit space is available and attendee pre-registration is required for full day or for awards luncheon only.

This year’s keynote speaker is Cokie Roberts. Other events include a silent auction, networking opportunities, scholarship recipient recognition, break-out sessions including “Take Charge of Your Emerging Chapter” and “Creating Balance for Sustainable Leadership,” the Martha Layne Collins Leadership Awards, a Legacy Tribute to Janet Holloway, founder of Women Leading Kentucky and award recipient introductions by Chrissie Turner, chair of the board of directors.