5-redHere are five tips for a healthy family:

High Five the Fruits and Veggies

Make sure kids get at least five servings a day, the minimum number nutritionists recommend to maintain healthy childhood development. Have everyone in the family try at least one bite of a new fruit or vegetable at least once a month.

Foster an Early and Ongoing Passion for Books

Read to and with your kids. Help children read at every age and every stage of their development.

Team Up for Athletic Event

Set a family goal of great health by teaming up for community or charity events like races, walks, fun runs, bike rides, etc.

Volunteer Together

Find a cause that matters to the kids. Open their eyes to a world beyond themselves and the rich rewards that come from making a difference.

Make sleep a priority

Doctors recommend 10-12 hours of sleep a day for children ages 5-12 and 7-8 hours per night for adults. Sleep plays a critical role in maintaining our healthy immune system, metabolism, mood, memory, learning and other vital functions.

Courtesy of YMCA