Sayre Christian Village celebrated their Friendship Towers Expansion and new Assisted Living Memory Care community with a Ribbon Cutting and Open House in July.
UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Dr. Elizabeth Rhodus, and Hardin Stevens discussed how the sensory system plays a part in the aging process during an event at Sayre Christian Village in July. Research for a cure for Alheimer’s happens right here in Lexington at UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.
Sayre Christian Village is hosting a Fall Mum Fundraiser to benefit the “Mums and Dads.” Purchase a beautiful one-gallon mum in your choice of color. Proceeds for this fundraiser go directly to the Resident Honor Fund at Sayre Christian Village. Reserve your Fall Mums today and they’ll be delivered to SCV for pickup late August – September.
Preston Greens Senior Living is hosting Lunch and Learn events on August 17, 19, 24, 26 — 1 pm. Enjoy a delicious meal from their Culinary Team, followed by a tour of the Community. Seating is limited. RSVP to Kim at 859.533.8334 or email

The Morning Pointe Foundation presents “Seniors Got Talent” on Thursday, August 12 at Lexington Opera House at 7 pm.
The Alzheimer’s Association discusses “Effective Communication Strategies” for individuals with memory loss. Tuesday, August 17 at Sayre Christian Village Friendship Towers at 2 pm.
The iknow expo is Saturday, September 11 from 10 am to 3 pm at Lexington Senior Center.
This article also appears on page 14 and 15 of the August 2021 print edition of Hamburg Journal.
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