Residents have two ways to participate in Reforest the Bluegrass this April, with the option of small, in-person plantings in public parks and greenways or planting trees at home.
Reforest the Bluegrass is Lexington’s annual tree-planting event, dating back to 1998. More than 17,500 volunteers have planted some 150,000 tree seedlings over the years, restoring 195 acres of floodplains.
“Reforest the Bluegrass is an opportunity for individuals to work together to make a difference by planting trees,” says Environmental Quality and Public Works Commissioner Nancy Albright. “We are excited to offer a variety of ways that residents can participate in Reforest the Bluegrass this spring.”
The in-person plantings will take place on Saturday, April 10, Saturday, April 17 and Saturday, April 24 from 10 a.m. to noon. Pre-registration is required for the in-person plantings. Walk-ups cannot be accommodated. Individuals or groups can sign up for a 30-minute window at a designated location (limit 6 people per group). Masks, social distancing and safety protocols will be in place. Spots are limited, so residents are asked to sign up for only one time slot over the three weekends of the event.
Starting on Friday, April 9, and running through Sunday, April 25, free tree seedlings will be available noon Fridays through Sundays at partner locations around Lexington. Different species are available each weekend.

Fayette County residents can take up to three trees to plant in their yards. Participants who opt for the Reforest at Home option are asked to report what they planted and where they planted it using a simple, online form. This information will feed into a city-wide tree map.
“No matter how you choose to participate, these trees and the benefits that they provide – such as stormwater run-off mitigation, air quality and wildlife habitat – will have a lasting impact for years to come,” says John Saylor, who manages the city’s forestry operations.
Registration links, tree lists, pickup locations and more can be found at