March 2018 News for Parents and Kids Calendar for southeast Lexington

Kentucky American Water salutes the 2018 Science Fair participants and winners. Nearly 700 Fayette County public, private, and home-school students in grades four through 12 participated in the 34th Annual Kentucky American Water Science Fair coordinated by Fayette County Public Schools at Bryan Station High School. A total of 168 student projects received awards. Seven projects received special recognition from Kentucky American Water for demonstrating achievement in water science projects, and three students received the Urban Environmental Award, which recognizes outstanding projects related to environmental stewardship.
Thursday March 1
Solve the Mammal Skull Mystery by investigating a variety of real mammal skulls from armadillos, beavers, horses, deer, badgers, and more with University of Kentucky Biology professor, Dr. James Krupa. Enjoy examining and touching real animal bones on March 1 at the Living Arts and Science Center.
Saturday March 3
The University of Kentucky Department of STEM Education hosts STEM Day on March 3 at 9:30 am. Kids grades K-12 and adults of all ages can gather at Frederick Douglass High School to enjoy a morning filled with hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic activities.
Tuesday March 6
The Living Arts and Science Center are having Pre-K Art Day on each Tuesday in March.
Lexington Public Library Eastside Branch is hosting “Teen Space: Little Bits” Teens are encouraged to get social in real life with games, crafts, book chat, and other hands-on activities. Come play with Little Bits Robots and grab a slice of pizza. Recommended for ages 13 to 18.
High School Sophomores and Juniors are invited to visit Transy’s college fair on March 6th from 10:00am-11:30am. More than 45 public and private colleges from around Kentucky and out-of-state were in attendance last year to speak with students.
Friday March 9
South Elkhorn Christian Church hosts Little Elks Spring Consignment Sale on March 9 and March 10. Shop for kids clothing (newborn-juniors), shoes, accessories, bedding, equipment, toys, and more.
Saturday March 10
Each year, half a million people across America come together to have fun and raise money to support Big Brothers Big Sisters. Join Lexington Young Professionals Association at Collins Bowling on Southland at 3 pm for Bowl for Kids’ Sake. It’s a great way to make an impact on the next generation of community leaders while improving the quality of life in the city of Lexington.
Drop by the Lexington Public Library Eastside Branch for “Play + Create: All about Dr. Seuss” for hands-on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) activities from games to art projects. For grades K-5.
Monday March 12
Drop by the Lexington Public Library Eastside Branch for “Maker Monday: Maze Maker” Build, invent, and create with a variety of materials—your only limit is your imagination! Construct your own tape maze and test out your navigation skills with the Sphero Mini. Please bring a smart phone or device such as an iPad or tablet. For grades K-5. Registration required.
The Summer Youth Job Training Program will host an informational breakfast for local businesses and community-based organizations. Employers will learn about the program, and how they can partner with the City to provide career opportunities for Lexington youth at no cost. All Lexington-based businesses and organizations are invited to the free event. To register for the breakfast, contact the SYJTP office at (859) 300-5330 or
Thursday March 15
The Kentucky Children’s Garden season grand opening for 2018 is Thursday, March 15 at The Arboretum. The Children’s Garden is open Thursday-Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm. The season runs from March 15 through May 27. Daily admission and season memberships are available for purchase.
Friday March 16
‘In My View,” an international children’s art exhibition, will be at the Living Arts and Science Center from March 16 until late May.
Saturday March 17
Drop by the Lexington Public Library Eastside Branch for “Teen Volunteer-a-Thon” Earn volunteer hours, help your community, and make new friends on this special day of service! All participants will receive 2 hours of community service. Application and registration must be completed at the Eastside Branch Library by Wednesday, March 14th. For ages 14-17. Registration required.
Saturday March 24
On Saturday, March 24, Bryan Station High School PTSA will host the inaugural “Taste of Station” event from 1-3 pm at Bryan Station High School. The event involves teams of chefs who will prepare sample size portions of entrees or desserts and attendees can vote on their favorite dish and best presentation. All proceeds will go to support The Academies of Bryan Station.
Sunday March 25
Have Easter with the family at Buffalo Trace Distillery on March 25 at 11 am. This will be an egg-citing event for children and parents. Search for thousands of treat-filled eggs and get pictures with the Easter Bunny.
This article also appears on page 12 & 13 of the March 2018 printed edition of the Hamburg Journal.
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