What high school held the seminar with the Citizens Youth Academy? Who all was there? What exactly is the Citizens Youth Academy?

District 6 Councilmember, Angela Evans, went to Frederick Douglass High School off Winchester Road to talk with the kids about civil liberties. Elections Manager from Fayette County Clerk’s Office Traci Merriman, Carlos Ross from the County Attorney’s Office, and Major Stephanie Morgerson of LFUCG’s Community Corrections joined her in this seminar.

Traci Merriman brought a training voting machine to show students how to cast a ballot. She also talked with them about registering to vote and the importance of voting. Carlos Ross chatted with students about the Constitution and their rights. Made sure that every student understood their civil rights. Major Stephanie Morgerson talked about inmate’s rights and what rights are taken from incarcerated individuals.
The Citizens Youth Academy is a joint, pilot program between the council office of Angela Evans and Frederick Douglass High School. It provides students with a hands-on look at the functions of city government. Councilmember Evans was at the High School with the Citizens Youth Academy this past November for a Fire and Emergency Training Field Day.

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