Councilmember Angela Evans of District 6 has been doing a monthly activities day with her constituents. When is her next activities day? Where is it located?

The new Activities with Angela series is on May 18 at the Eastside Public Library at 10 am. The Saturday morning gathering is an opportunity to meet one-on-one with your Councilmember in a casual setting.
This is a great chance to share your ideas for the district and ask Angela Evans any questions. It is also a great opportunity to meet your neighbors from across the district.
Things will start with a guided doodling activity with the Councilmember’s Legislative Aide, Deborah Slone. She will guide everyone through some doodling prompts that you can use to relieve stress or relax.
Intentional doodling has been shown to increase memory and retention of information and to lower blood pressure. In the midst of budget season and the beginning of spring and summer activities, this is a morning activity most need.
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