Midway College has announced that the college will become Midway University effective July 1. Midway president John P. Marsden said, “Since the term ‘college’ is often confused with high school or community college in other countries, the the use of ‘university’ in our name will add clarity.”
Emerge is an annual full-day event that brings together young professionals and entrepreneurs, business professionals and community leaders. The conference seeks to unify young professionals and create a voice for them through networking and collaboration. One of the goals of Emerge is to provide a young generation with tools so they are better equipped to move toward a stronger economy.

The Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation, part of KentuckyOne Health, has received a $33,650 grant from the Lexington Affiliate of Susan G. Komen to provide mammograms for the underinsured through the foundation’s “Yes, Mamm! Program.”
The funding will benefit patients at Saint Joseph East. Saint Joseph Berea and Saint Joseph Mount Sterling also received grants. Since Komen Lexington’s inception in 1996, the Susan G. Komen Affiliate has contributed $92,514 to the Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation.
The Yes, Mamm! Program provides lifesaving screenings, patient navigation and travel assistance at no cost for those who qualify. Since 2012, the program has provided services to individuals throughout central and eastern Kentucky. One hundred percent of funding for Yes, Mamm! is spent on patient care for women and men across the Commonwealth.
Mike Curd has been appointed to the Lexington Fayette Urban County Tourism Commission. (May 2 thru May 10 is National Tourism Week.)
Marci Kreuger-Sidebottom has been named vice president of sales and services for VisitLEX.
Alltech REBELation is May 17 – May 20 at Lexington Center. Speakers include General Colin Powell, UK Coach John Calipari, Alltech President and Founder Dr. Pearse Lyons, Whole Foods co-CEO Walter Robb, Bill Samuels Jr, and more.
The next training sessions for the Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center are June 6th, June 13th, and June 20th from 8:30 am to 4:30pm. in Lexington. For more information, contact Caitlin Bentley at 859-253-2615 or via email at
May 2- May 10 National Tourism Week
May 6 Women Leading Kentucky conference
May 6 NAWBO Winners’ Circle luncheon (Capitol Rotunda, Frankfort)
May 16 Alltech’s REBELation
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This article also appears on page 4 of the May print edition of the Hamburg Journal.