Lexington will be receiving funds from Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality. How much? Will it affect the Hamburg area? If so, where?
KYTC and Governor Matt Bevin just announced that Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and Lextran will receive $4.1 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds. This fund is to improve the safety and air quality in Lexington.
CMAQ is a transportation improvement program focused on funding innovative transportation projects or programs that will reduce congestion and improve air quality. Each year, Kentucky receives these funds for areas that are designated for non-attainment or maintenance for National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

“We are grateful for this significant federal CMAQ investment to benefit the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government and Lextran,” said Gov. Bevin. “Funds from this program enable local communities to implement important transportation projects that improve safety and traffic flow while promoting a healthier environment for citizens.”
CMAQ is a federally funded reimbursement program that is administrated through the Office of Local Programs. Lextran will receive $1.4 million for an electric vehicle replacement and Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government will receive $2.7 million for multi-modal improvements and a trail crossing project.
“These funds support the Cabinet’s priority to provide a safe, efficient and environmentally sound transportation network,” said Secretary Greg Thomas. “CMAQ funds help reduce transportation-related emissions and traffic congestion while providing needed multi-modal improvements.”
Funds are available to state and local government agencies as well as private entities through public-private partnerships. Non-profit organizations can also apply in partnership with state or local government.
The award will fund the following local projects:
- Lextran Electric Vehicle Replacement : $1,3888,800. Purchase of two electric long-range buses and depot charging stations to replace two diesel buses that are currently beyond their useful life. Additionally, the purchase of two Intelligent Transportation System packages to be installed on each of the buses.
- Wilson Downing Sidewalks: $748,000. Funding for the right-of-way, utility, and construction phases to build new sidewalks on Wilson Downing Road.
- Town Branch Trail Mid Block Crossing: $878,090. Funding for the construction phase of the mid block pedestrian and bicycle crossing for the Town Branch Trail.
- Tabor Road Multi-modal Improvements: $1,096,000. Construction of sidewalks, bike lanes and associated infrastructure along Mt. Tabor Road between Patchen Drive and the Richmond Road service road.
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