Absolute Auction
The former Coba Cocina space on Richmond Road next door to the Idle Hour shopping center has been fenced for safety. Restaurant equipment and fixtures are being auctioned, and the building may be demolished. The ambitious $4.5 million Coba Cocina space opened in 2013, with a jellyfish tank as its central conversation starter. The restaurant closed in 2016. Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse briefly occupied the space in 2018 and the building has been empty since 2019.

Crab Out, Koi in
The Saucy Crab on Richmond Road has closed, and a Koi Express will open in that location.
Is your Small Business Money Smart?
Commerce Lexington will offer the Money Smart for Small Business Program developed jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Administration (FDIC) and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). These classes provide an introduction to topics related to starting and managing a business. A different topic will be covered each week and the program begins on Feb 5.
Be a Worksite
Additional worksites needed for the Summer Youth Job Training Program: The City of Lexington has opened applications for hosting a youth worker for the 2024 Summer Youth Job Training Program (SYJTP). You can apply to become a worksite for the 2024 SYJTP by visiting Summer Youth Job Training Program | City of Lexington (lexingtonky.gov). The deadline to submit applications is February 28, 2024. If you have any questions, please email youthwork@lexingtonky.gov.
This article appears on pages 4-5 of the February 2024 issue of Hamburg Journal. To subscribe to digital delivery each month, click here.