Best City for College Grads
Lexington was ranked the second best city for new college grads by SmartAsset. The city has the seventh-best fun score and the 17th-best affordability score in the study.

Baptist Health announces City Partnership in Hamburg
A partnership announced by Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton and Baptist Health Lexington president William Sisson, will bring a new medical campus, 600-700 new jobs, a $1 billion construction project, and land for a new fire/emergency medical station to Lexington.
Clerk’s Office Remains Closed
The Fayette County Clerk’s office has announced that they will remain closed to the public until at least July 6, 2020. Core staff will continue to support mail and online transactions, and to prepare and conduct the Primary election rescheduled for June 23.
In retail news
In early 2020, Pier 1 Imports, Inc. filed for Chapter 11. In May, the company filed a motion to begin an orderly wind-down of retail operations as many retail stores were able to reopen following the government-mandated closures during COVID-19. Lexington has two Pier One locations, one in Hamburg, and one on Nicholasville Road.
The parent company of Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works, L Brands, has announced plans to close stores across North America. There are two hundred fifty Victoria’s Secret locations and 51 Bath & Body Works locations. Both stores in Hamburg did close due to COVID-19 with a sign on their doors saying “We Are Closed Temporarily.”
Just as Home Goods at New Circle was preparing to re-open in late May, a car drove through the front doors, shattering the storefront. There were no reports of injury, and the police are investigating as a hit and run incident.
Tuesday Morning is the next big retailer to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy amid COVID-19. No word as to which stores will close, but there are two Lexington locations: one in Woodhill Shopping Center on New Circle Road and Reynolds Road across from Fayette Mall.
Leadership program
Leadership Central Kentucky gives participants experience with leadership development and opportunities to build relationships, understanding of issues of the region, and increase community awareness. This program kicks o with an orientation program on August 27-28 and goes from September through May of 2021. On the third Wednesday of each month, participants will travel to one county and focus on the community and regional topics like transportation, education, economic development, quality of life, public advocacy, and agri-tourism. Applications are due on Monday, June 15 and applicants must live or work in Bourbon, Clark, Fayette, Franklin, Jessamine, Madison, Scott, or Woodford.
Time to Vote
The Kentucky Primary Election has been rescheduled for June 23, 2020. All mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked by June 23 and received by June 27.
If you want to vote by mail-in absentee ballot, you must make the request to obtain one by June 15. The window for in-person absentee voting will be between June 8 and June 22.
This article also appears on page 6 and 7 of the June 2020 print edition of Hamburg Journal.
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