Drive-Thru Testing
UK HealthCare is offering drive-thru testing for the COVID-19 coronavirus for its frontline employees and patient care providers. The drive-thru testing is at UK HealthCare Turfland and by appointment only for UKHC employees who are symptomatic but do not need inpatient care.
Visitation suspended

Baptist Health is suspending visitation at all of its hospitals, and allowing only essential caregivers to accompany patients for medical appointments or tests. There will be limited exceptions. Visit or follow Baptist Health Lexington on social media for more info on time frames.
UK HealthCare has implemented a no visitation policy in hospitals and clinics in response to the Coronavirus. The policy will remain until hospital officials feel the threat of transmission has decreased significantly.
How to Stay Healthy-at-Home
Whether it’s quarantine or work-from-home mandates, it’s important to maintain healthy routines, even if you aren’t able to observe your typical gym workouts and classes.
Get enough sleep. The CDC recommends that adults get seven hours or more of sleep every night. To improve your sleep quality, try going to bed at the same time every night. If you need to rest, keep naps to 30 minutes or less.
Exercise regularly to improve your mood and your health. Little or no activity can make you feel more sluggish and low on energy. If you can, clear a space in your home or in your backyard to do exercise. Consider dancing, floor exercises, yoga, using home equipment or using an instructional DVD/YouTube video.
Stay in touch. Start a Google hangout with your co-workers, or FaceTime with your friends. If you use social media, that is a great way to keep in contact with your friends, family, and other social groups.
Do calming activities that you enjoy. Cutting out the daily commute may give you more free time. Cozy up with a good book, learn a new skill, start a project you’ve been putting off, or listen to music.
At Home Exercises with Olivia Jones.
Use everyday home items as workout equipment:
- Weights
- A backpack filled with books, zipped tight
- Gallon jugs of milk/water/etc.
- Full box of cat litter or something comparable
- Benches
- Stools or Chairs
- Ottoman
- Stairs
Pick a few of the following exercises, complete 8-12 reps each and repeat 3-5 times to make a circuit workout:
- “Bench” Step-ups
- “Bench” Tricep Dips
- Gallon Curls
- Gallon “Goblet” Squats
- Backpack “Goblet” Squats
- Backpack High Pulls
- Backpack OH Hold Step-backs
- Backpack Seated Twists
You can find workout videos by Olivia on facebook @livfit or Instagram @_livfit
Apr 5 UK Virtual Campus Walk, 1:30 pm, anywhere (use #catsfightsuicide)
Apr 18 Virtual Walk MS: Lexington, 10 am, anywhere (use #VirtualWalkMS)
This article also appears on page 16 of the April 2020 print edition of Hamburg Journal.
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