A senior from Henry Clay High School has won the statewide Secretary of State’s 12th grade division essay contest. What is their name? What do they win?


Essay Contes: four students dressed up smiling at the cameraTheodore Ehrenborg, a senior at Henry Clay High School, was the statewide 12th-grade winner in Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes’ 30th annual essay contest. Grimes congratulated the four honorees on March 6 at Rupp Arena during the 2019 KHSAA Boys Sweet Sixteen basketball tournament. Each essay winner received a $1,000 scholarship.

This contest inspires students to be active and informed citizens, with particular emphasis on election-related issues. Entries are rated on research and understanding of voting and the First Amendment, idea development, organization, language, and correctness.

The other three winners are 9th grader Lavery Malena Hughes from Barren County HS, 10th grader Jillian Jacobs from Western Hills HS, and 11th grader Ella Olivia Burch from Allen County HS.

Essay Contest: four students holding checks and a woman dressed in black between them




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