HJ’s October 2021 issue has been safely delivered directly to mailboxes all over the neighborhood.

Page through the digital issue, or pick up a printed copy now on newsstands all around East Lexington.
In this month’s issue, Local baker Brandi Romines lives ‘impossible’ Netflix dream.
We hear the story of Laura Freeman, owner of Laura’s Lean Beef, as she launches her second act.
Check out HJ’s sampling of Fall Festivals and Halloween events happening this October.
We also dig into the neighborhood food scene with restaurant openings, closings, and events.
And as always we spotlight monthly sections about Business & Neighborhood News, News for Families, Senior Living, Health, sampling of October calendar events, Pets, and Home & Garden.
We encourage all readers to stay tuned to Hamburg Journal on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for up to the minute updates.
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