Lexington Council Member Angela Evans is resigning her 6th District Council seat for a new opportunity at Princeton pursuing a Master’s in public policy.
Her resignation is effective July 31 and the Mayor has 30 days to appoint a replacement for the brief stint remaining in her term.

Evans explained, “Last summer, I was informed of an opportunity that could potentially take my life on a new path. Since last Fall, I have been preparing for that opportunity to perhaps become a reality, but there was no guarantee. During the early days of the COVID pandemic, I was notified that this opportunity became an official offer and I had to decide what my future would look like for the next year. So I did.
So, I announce with some sadness, but overwhelming excitement that I will be attending Princeton University’s School of Public and International Affairs to pursue my Masters Degree in Public Policy.
It is the big issues in society that I have longed to work on…issues that have been brought to the forefront of public conversations because of the COVID pandemic…the deficiencies and racial disparities in our healthcare system, the importance of dispelling mental illness stigmas, and the racial and economic inequalities embedded in the judicial system, all require changes to our public policies. Effective policies that evolve with society are the tools government uses to address these problems, and bring transparency to government where needed. Learning about public policy from and with some of the brightest minds from across the world is an opportunity I couldn’t resist.
I am extremely thankful for each one of you who have been with me from the first day of my first campaign and those supporters, friends, encouragers and constituents I’ve gotten to know and work with over the last five years. It has been a pleasure to serve with Mayor Gorton, Mayor Gray, my colleagues on Council and the many wonderful and dedicated city government employees. It has been a privilege to serve the 6th District, working with you to ensure every opinion on the Liberty Road widening project was heard, developing relationships between neighborhoods and businesses with the first Mary Todd Park Day, re-establishing neighborhood associations and building upon existing ones, and forging relationships with students throughout the 6th District, as a guest speaker, host of the Youth Citizens Academy, or my personal favorite judge at the annual city science fair.”
Prior to her election in 2015, Councilmember Evans served as an Assistant Attorney General of Kentucky for six years, providing legal services to various state agencies.
“The path my public service career will take is uncertain, but I am thrilled this next step is taking me to Princeton University. Please continue to follow me on Facebook so you can join me on my journey through Princeton. I wish you all the peace, love and courage to find solutions and follow your own dreams!”
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