New Neighborhood RCUT is Live at Athens-Boonesboro in Lexington


An RCUT (Restricted Crossing U-Turn) is a four-lane highway intersection design consisting of one main intersection and two median crossover intersections.

The new RCUTS are now live on Athens Boonesboro Road between I-75 and Ashley Woods Road, near Lexington’s new soccer complex.

An RCUT is an intersection design consisting of one main intersection and two median intersections that route crossing traffic using right turns and U-turns to enhance traffic flow and reduce the risk of right-angle crashes.

When approaching Doe Run Trail or Competition Drive intersections from Athens Boonesboro Road, you can continue straight or make a left or right turn.

When approaching RCUT intersections from side streets,  begin by making a right turn. After turning right, you can continue straight or enter the left turn lane to make a U-turn through the median. After making a U-turn, you can complete their desired movement through the intersection.

The RCUT traffic movement is designed to enhance safety by helping drivers focus on only one direction of oncoming traffic at a time, with the goal of making the intersection safer and easier to navigate; and to provide more traffic capacity as each leg of the intersection operates independently to decongest the flow of traffic.

This article appears on page 7 of the August 2024 issue of HJ. You can click here to read a digital version of the August 2024 issue of the Hamburg Journal.

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