Restrictions are being placed to help the public with social distancing at public parks throughout Lexington effective March 27.

Mayor Linda Gorton announced that all athletic fields and courts are closed, but walking/biking/running trails will remain open.
It was also announced that Lexington’s natural areas like Raven Run and McConnell springs are to close along with golf courses. These measures are being put in place after calls being made to the hotline and photos being posted of large gatherings at parks.
Programming through the Parks and Rec department will remain canceled until April 20.
It was also announced that the Mayor is opening the Emergency Operations Center for disaster response coordination, focusing on critical supply needs, requests for assistance, and donations.
Beginning on Saturday, March 28, all non-essential LFUCG employees will be asked to stay #healthyathome and this policy will remain in affect until further notice.
The Arboretum, State Botanical Garden of Kentucky has also closed their trails and park beginning the evening of March 27. This is in response to neighboring public park closures by the Mayor.
Effective March 30, playgrounds, public restrooms, and parking lots at Lexington parks are closed.
For more what’s open, what’s closed throughout Lexington, click here.
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