I Know Expo Plans Return
The Senior Living I Know Expo plans to return on Saturday September 11 at the Lexington Senior Center after a 2020 hiatus.
Conference founder Gale Reece talked with HJ in 2020 about the pandemic, “The crisis we prepare for is never the one we actually get, but if we all pull together, all generations, we will pull through this even stronger. Our elders remember other points of crisis —Pearl Harbor, Korea, Vietnam, Civil Rights Movement, 911, and the 2008 financial collapse just to mention a few. We are a strong people as evidenced in our elders and the support services that are available to them/us.”

As in years past, the Expo will feature a wide variety of vendors and speakers designed to empower guests with knowledge about aging and resources.
The expo began in 2013 as a way to fix the “don’t know’ problem that existed locally. It seemed that when people went looking for resources to help seniors or those with disabilities, they often didn’t know the services existed or where to find them.
The i know expo® is a FREE event for people of all ages and life stages: living out their golden years; taking care of someone they love; coping with difficult health situations or simply smart enough to know it’s never too early to start planning for the future.
The expo offers information about the services, resources and support available to make the rest of life the best of life.
Experts who know about aging well and coping with disabilities will be on hand to share what they know.

Reece told HJ in 2020, “Our challenge when this crisis is waning is restoring and rebuilding the workforce. I do not know how that is going to affect older adults. One thing I do know is that older adults are essential to our non-profit organizations and volunteer communities.”
This article also appears on page 15 of the September 2021 print edition of Hamburg Journal.
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