UK Women’s Basketball Coach Matthew Mitchell shared how Alzheimer’s disease has touched his life and fueled his commitment to supporting research for Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related memory disorders at the annual Sanders-Brown Center on Aging Dinner on April 23.
The dinner funded ongoing research at the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, where researchers are engaged in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related illnesses.
The UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging has been conducting research on Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and other aging-related concerns for more than 30 years. Through a gift from the Eleanor and John Y. Brown Jr. Foundation and a matching grant from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging opened in 1979 and is one of 10 original National Institutes of Health-funded Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers.
The I Know Expo was held in April at the Lexington Center for people of all ages and life stages: living out their golden years; taking care of someone they love; coping with difficult health situations, along with those who know it’s never too early to start planning for the future. Attendees mixed and mingled with exhibitors, and attended sessions on aging in place, longterm care options, caregiving, and financial health.

Quarterly Sunday Sessions are a part of the Expo’s year-round outreach. Four times a year, an expert in an area of aging and caregiving will share real life information and answer questions. The Sessions also offer opportunities to learn from other guests who are experiencing similar issues.
The topic for the next Sunday Session is “Understanding Home Care,” and it is scheduled for 2 pm to 4 pm on May 17 at the Lexington Senior Citizens Center at 1530 Nicholasville Road.
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This article also appears on page 22 of the May print edition of the Hamburg Journal.