Lexington just released their plan for a Metropolitan Transportation Plan. What has been revealed? Can the full plan be seen?

Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization has revealed the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) — a long range plan that outlines goals and strategies, guiding the expenditure of federal transportation funds in Fayette and Jessamine counties for the next 26 years. The MPO’s proposed long-range plan outlines a multi-modal approach to transportation investment with goals to improve access and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists.
“Everyone who lives and travels through Fayette and Jessamine counties is affected by transportation, so public feedback is a vital part of the process of long-term planning,“ said Kenzie Gleason with the Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). “We want residents and commuters to voice their priorities and concerns so that we can take that into account when making regional transportation decisions.”
The draft 2045 plan is available online at lexareampo.org until April 13, 2019 for the public to review and offer comments on. Additionally, people can direct questions and offer comments about the plan to the MPO by contacting Kenzie Gleason at kgleason@lexingtonky.gov or at 859- 258-3605.
Pending public comment, the plan is scheduled for adoption by the MPO on April 24, 2019.
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