MedQuest College celebrated their Winchester Road campus with a ribbon cutting.
Wednesday, Aug. 1
The Kentucky Bank Tennis Championships is August 1 through August 5 at the Hilary J. Boone Tennis Complex on the University of Kentucky campus. This is a USTA Pro Circuit men’s tournament and a USTA Pro Circuit women’s tournament.
Saturday, Aug. 4
The Man o’ War “Run for Big Red” 5k/10k is August 4 at the Kentucky Horse Park (Rescheduled from July 21 due to weather). The race begins at 8 am.
Saturday, Aug. 11
On August 11, The Summit hosts SWEAT Series at 9 am. They partner with a different brand each month to bring shoppers a fitness series and shopper perks. The August brand is Fabletics. Registration is required.
Join CoreLife Eatery and Icon Fitness for a bootcamp style workout on August 11 at 10 am, inside the store. Receive discounts on meals afterwards.
The Arc of Kentucky is hosting a Walk to Bridge the Gap to Success at Keeneland on August 11. The walk begins at 10:15 am. The event will also include a silent auction, inflatables, and activities for all.
A Midsummer Night’s Run is Saturday, August 11. Runners and walkers will take to the streets of downtown Lexington for a night of entertainment and activities starting at 4:30 pm.
Tuesday, Aug. 14
The Arboretum is hosting a yoga session Jackie Hanson of The Yoga Room at 7 am. Bring your own yoga mat and meet at the Visitor Center.
Wednesday, Aug. 15
Good Foods Co-op hosts a “Gentle Nutrition and Exercise” workshop at 5 pm. Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Kathryn Dickens and Annie Koempel will discuss intuitive eating and exercises that suit people individually.
The Kentucky Castle’s Sunset Yoga on the Roof is August 15 at 8 pm. Sessions are led by certified yoga instructors from Homegrown Yoga. Spots are first come first serve and space is limited.
Thursday, Aug. 16
Join leaders from across the state to make Kentucky’s rural and urban communities safer, healthier, and more prosperous at the KY Bike Walk Summit at Transylvania University. The Summit will move Kentucky forward by making all of our communities more bicycle and pedestrian friendly.
Saturday, Aug. 18
Sgt Peppers Bike Prom benefitting the Living Arts & Science Center (LASC) is Saturday, August 18. Join 200+ bicycle riders and participate in prom-themed games and activities. Registration opens at 4 pm and riders will depart from the LASC at 5 pm. SPIN will provide FREE bikes for riders who would like to borrow a bike in bike prom.
Monday, Aug. 20
On August 20, the Commerce Lexington Inc. SPOTLIGHT Series features UK HealthCare’s new Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, Dr. Mark Newman. He will discuss UK HealthCare’s impact on the region, investments made in expansion of services and patient safety in recent years, and what’s on the horizon for healthcare and UK. This event is held at UK Hospital’s Chandler Pavilion A Karpf Auditorium, from 8 – 9:30 am.
Saturday, Aug. 25
On August 25, The Summit hosts SWEAT Series at 9 am. They partner with a different brand each month to bring shoppers a fitness series and shopper perks. The August brand is Fabletics. Registration is required.
Participate in Lexington’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday, August 25. Registration begins at 9 am and the walk begins at 10 am at Fayette Circuit Courthouse on N. Limestone.
Paddle the Kentucky and Dix rivers as sunset falls on August 25. Glow Paddle is a 2-hour guided trip led by Canoe Kentucky and leaves at 7:30 pm from nearby Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill. Suitable for ages 12 and older.

Sunday, Aug. 26
The YMCA Kids Triathlon is Sunday, August 26 at the Beaumont YMCA. Kids, ages 6-14 are invited to swim, bike and run. The swim takes place in the Y’s outdoor pool with the bike and run course throughout the nearby neighborhood. Check-in begins at 6 am and the race starts at 7:30 am.
Tuesday, Aug. 28
The Arboretum is hosting a yoga session Jackie Hanson of The Yoga Room at 7 am. Bring your own yoga mat and meet at the Visitor Center.
Friday, Aug. 31
Talon Winery hosts the first-ever Cabernet Canter Cross Country 5K/10K on August 31 at 6:30 pm. With registration, participants receive a commemorative race shirt and wine glass, and three wine tasting tickets. Participants under 21 will not receive tasting tickets. Top finishers are awarded a flower bouquet from the charity beneficiary, GreenHouse17.
This article also appears on page 14 of the August 2018 print edition of Hamburg Journal.
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