Over the summer Lexington’s Animal Care & Control received a complaint regarding a dog that was being kept in a cage and not being cared for appropriately. When they arrived, their officers could see that Oreo needed help — he was clearly suffering from neglect and was extremely dehydrated and underfed.

The previous owner was found guilty of the improper care of animals. The latest report is that Oreo has been adopted into a new home.

As always, our animals rely on YOU to be the eyes and ears in the community. To report animal abuse & neglect, give LFACC a call at 859-255-9033.

Winter Horse Care Tips in Horse Country 

According to the Kentucky Horse Council, winter horse care requires feed modifications, attention to detail, mud and ice management, and shelter from the elements.

If you ride or work your horse in winter months, plan additional time for proper care both before and after rides.

Bits should be warmed prior to insertion in the horse’s mouth. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, the most common include in a heated area (such as in a tack room or vehicle), in your hand, holding it under the arm, or inside a warm jacket. Wait until the bit is no longer cold to the touch before asking your horse to accept it.

Horses that sweat during winter rides need to be dried out completely before they are put away for the day. A thick winter coat can hold moisture for a long time and drying can be a time consuming task. Horses that are wet can be dried by rubbing with a towel, feeding hay, keeping the horse under cover, and applying a water-wicking cooler. Once the horse is dry remove the cooler and fluff up his hair before turn out, which will aid the insulating effectiveness of his coat.

For information specific to winter horse management in your area or region contact your local extension office or your veterinarian.

(Reprinted with permission from the Kentucky Horse Council.)

This article appears on page 19 of the January 2023 issue of HJ. To subscribe, click here.