Hamburg Home and Garden News – October 2020
Shred it!
A free paper shred for Fayette County residents will be held on Saturday, October 3 at 1631 Old Frankfort Pike from 9 am until 2 pm. Bring up to five boxes or bags of material to be shredded at no cost.
Tour of Remodeled Homes

BIA’s August Tour of Remodeled Homes has been rescheduled for October 9 through October 18 to offer a virtual experience.
BIA has been on-site at each of the homes interviewing the remodelers to provide immersive digital tours. The 2020 Tour of Remodeled Homes features projects by BACK Construction, Pickett Homes Keitz Construction, LLC, Anderson & Rodgers Construction, TJH Construction Company, J&R Construction Services, Inc., Crawford Builders and Vimont Builders, Inc.
Trash it!
Trash Disposal Day is Saturday, October 10 at the Bluegrass Regional Transfer Station at 1505 Old Frankfort Pike. This date has been confirmed but is subject to change.
Hazardous Waste?
Fayette County residents may drop off household hazardous waste for disposal on Saturday, October 24 at 1631 Old Frankfort Pike from 8:30 am until 3 pm.
Leaf Collection Schedule
The City’s 2020 leaf collection program is scheduled to begin Monday, November 9 with a projected completion date in December. The city offers a vacuum pickup collection once a year for single-family homes that receive City waste collection service. The vacuum leaf collection program is a supplement to the City’s year-round yard waste options.
“Mum’s” the Word
More than 5,000 9-inch and 12-inch mums have been delivered to Diamond Pond/Kentucky Garden and Fountain in our neighborhood (4400 Athens Boonesboro Road).
Got a Tree?
Do you have a large evergreen tree that you want removed from your property? If so, consider donating it for the city to use for Lexington’s holiday season celebration.City officials will evaluate all trees and select two for the city Christmas trees. If your tree is chosen, the City and Kentucky Utilities will coordinate with the property owner to remove it in early November. There’s no financial compensation, however removal of the tree and stump grinding is free.
The chosen trees will be placed in Triangle Park and in front of the KU building on Quality Street. They will be decorated and lit Friday, November 27, as part of Luminate Lexington presented by Kentucky Utilities.
The trees need to meet the following guidelines:
- 40 to 50-feet high
- 20 to 25-feet wide
- Be a Norway spruce; Colorado blue spruce; or a Douglas fir
- Have a pyramidal shape, with fullness especially at the bottom
- The body of the tree should have few or no holes
- The tree should not be growing into houses or into other trees
- Access must be provided with clearance of at least 10 feet in width, with no power lines growing in the trees
- There should be no other obstacles, such as buildings that may prevent access
- Must be able to back a low-boy trailer up to the tree and place KU trucks on either side.
Property owners should call LexCall at 311 or Victoria Hamm at 859.277-8703 if they want to donate a tree.
This article also appears on page 20 of the October 2020 print edition of Hamburg Journal.
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