Front Yards take Center Stage 

“Front yards can be one of the most underappreciated spaces in urban environments, yet they provide a number of benefits,” says Nancy Albright, the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Quality and Public Works. “The Art by Nature series always results in an amazing array of art, and I’m looking forward to seeing this year’s exhibit.”

Art by Nature showcases local native landscapes as represented by local artists. In 2022, front yards take center stage.

The topic was selected to bring attention to new Plant by Numbers plans for front yards. These plans make it easy for novices to design beautiful, low-maintenance, Earth-friendly landscapes. The plans were created by EARTHeim Landscape Design, and are available for free from the City,

The exhibit opens Friday, August 26 and continues through Saturday, September 24, at the Loudoun House. Works are for sale, though an artist may choose to opt-out of that aspect of the program. Ten percent of proceeds will benefit Celebrate Lexington, formerly known as America in Bloom Lexington. Artists keep the remainder.

The artist’s intent to participate form, map of featured locations and other information can be found at


Tours of Remodeled Homes 

Are you ready to remodel? Are you looking for ideas, advice, and inspiration? See quality craftsmanship firsthand and meet the professionals.


Louisville’s Tour of Remodeled Homes is back on the weekend of August 13-14, 2022. Tour 10 homes August 13 and 14 for expert remodeling advice and insights from Louisville-area remodelers. 

Lexington’s Tour of Remodeled Homes is scheduled for August 27 and August 28 and offers an opportunity to explore the latest trends and remodel possibilities to turn your home into your Dream Home.  The Tour will feature kitchen, bath & whole-house remodels, and outdoor living space updates.


KU Vegetation Management Plan Proposed

Thanks to the hard work of community members, LFUCG negotiators, the Mayor’s administration, and Kentucky Utilities, a proposed agreement regarding KU’s vegetation management plan has formally been presented to the Council and the public. 

One of the most crucial aspects of this agreement is that it will not only be implemented here in Lexington, but across KU’s service area, meaning that tree canopies across Kentucky will be positively impacted. 

The key aspects of this plan will result in 50 percent of the trees previously slated for removal being saved.

 KU has committed to:

  • releasing their full vegetation management plan on their website 
  • adding a map of upcoming projects online
  • giving more advanced notice to affected properties before work begins
  • increasing the amount for financial reimbursement to property owners for lost trees 
  • taking a more nuanced approach to determining which trees do and do not pose a risk to our infrastructure.


Follow the #9PM Routine

Hamburg area neighborhood associations have posted a variety of crime-prevention tips in recent weeks. 

The #9PM routine is a nightly reminder to residents to:


  • Take valuables out of vehicles
  • Cash, checkbooks, credit cards
  • Laptops and electronics
  • Jewelry
  • Guns
  • Lock car doors
  • Turn on exterior lights
  • Activate all alarms and security systems.
  • Close garage doors
  • Lock the doors to their residences

Criminals look for easy targets. You can make it more difficult for them by following the #9PMRoutine! Many vehicle burglaries, and to a lesser degree, stolen vehicles, occur as a result of vehicles being left unlocked. Criminals walk through neighborhoods, trying vehicle door handles, hoping to find an unlocked vehicle. The best way to prevent vehicle burglaries is to remove all of your valuables, lock your vehicle’s doors upon exiting and take the keys to the vehicle inside your residence.